How to bridge liquidity to Aurora?

We will focus on stablecoins, explain their types on Aurora, and take a look at how to bridge them in different ways from other ecosystems

Slava Karkunov..

How to get your tokens from Bastion contracts?

In this article, you will learn how you can retrieve the stables from Bastion by using Aurora Explorer to call its smart contracts

Slava Karkunov..

Managing Aurora's Validator staking with 'near-cli-rs'

Let's learn how to manage your staking with Near validators and claim your Aurora validator's rewards by using 'near-cli-rs'

Slava Karkunov..

Plugins for smart contract devs building on Near

Let’s discover how ‘near-plugins’ library could be used by your project, and how it can save you some time during the development of your smart contracts

Moritz Zielke..

Contract Callbacks in XCC

In this post we focus on the need to refund tokens to a user in the event of an error. This will reveal a bit of a “gotcha” which developers new to the XCC may come across, and we’ll discuss how to overcome it

Michael Birch..

Practical ERC20 Burning

Token burning is the act of permanently removing a certain number of tokens from circulation. This article delves into its intricacies and offers guidance based on my real-world experiences at Aurora

Alexey Lapitsky..

Integration tests for XCC communication

XCC is a powerful tool to merge blockchain ecosystems together. In this post we will talk about how to write integration tests for the XCC contracts communicating between Aurora and Near using Rust

Olga Kunyavskaya..

Turning Smart Contracts into Indexers

Learn how you can use functional programming patterns in Rust to share a codebase between both a smart contract and an indexer, and how cross-compilation can benefit your project

Michael Birch..

How to get USDC tokens on Aurora testnet

While developing your smart contracts on Aurora, there are situations when you will need to get native Ethereum ERC-20 tokens on your testnet account – let’s find out how to get these by using the USDC token as an example

Olga Kunyavskaya..

EVM gas vs. Near gas on Aurora

How the Aurora's EVM gas and Near gas are related? What gas limits do we have, and how Engine optimizations are saving your costs?

Michael Birch..

Fast Rainbow Bridge: How it works?

Discover how the Fast Rainbow Bridge allows users to transfer tokens from NEAR to Ethereum within minutes

Olga Kunyavskaya..

Aurora Cloud: Borealis Business

Learn how to hide the fees complexities from your users by using Borealis Business deals

Boris Polania..

Getting started with Aurora

Practical guide for beginners who want to learn how to use Aurora and develop smart contracts

Olga Kunyavskaya..

Aurora Bounty Program with Bepro

Learn how to claim Aurora bounties on Bepro Network

Boris Polania..

Spinning up your own Aurora node

Learn the details of starting your own Aurora node using the Standalone RPC repo

Oleksii Krasynskyi..

Aurora Chains: Code Overview

Discover the source code for Aurora Chains: how fixed gas cost and access control are achieved

Slava Karkunov..

Validating User On-Chain Activity in Decentralized Games - Part I

Validating user’s on-chain activity in a adaptation of the classic 2048 game

Boris Polania..

Building a game using Near, Aurora and BOS

Find out how to build a fully decentralized UI and back-end of an on-chain application using NEAR and Aurora

Michael Birch..

Aurora Chains: Walkthrough

Dive into the Aurora Innovation Chain details: custom access control, сustom token mechanics, interoperability and more

Slava Karkunov..

Cross-Ecosystem Communication

Discover how cross-contracts calls communication can happen between NEAR and Aurora using Aurora Contracts SDK

Boris Polania..